Attendance and Enrollment » 2025-2026 Choices/Unified Enrollment Application and Information-Magnet and Affiliated Charter (Lottery) - Opciones/Unificado inscripción e información de Magnet y Chárter afiliado(Lotería)

2025-2026 Choices/Unified Enrollment Application and Information-Magnet and Affiliated Charter (Lottery) - Opciones/Unificado inscripción e información de Magnet y Chárter afiliado(Lotería)

The On-time application for Choices/Unified Enrollment 2025-2026 school year opens October 1, 2024. The lottery for the Affiliated Charter (Not Magnet) will be held in-person on February 13, 2025 the school library at 9:00AM and on Zoom.
Topic: Affiliated Charter Lottery
Time: February 13, 2025
Join Zoom Meeting
We will also post the results on the Cleveland website by Application ID#  no later than February 28th
To apply to Cleveland's Humanities Magnet or Global Media Studies Magnet through the Choices Unified Enrollment application, please note the following: the application window opens on October 1, 2024. Apply at or you can submit a paper application found in the 2025-2026 Choices Brochure. Paper copies are available at the LAUSD NW District Office. The on-time deadline to apply is November 15th. Siblings each must have a separate application submitted.
Cleveland School of Residence (Non-magnet)
Families that do not live in the Cleveland attendance boundary and want to apply to Cleveland School of Residence need to apply through the Choices Unified Enrollment for the Charter Lottery Application. Please note the following: the application window opens on October 1, 2024. Apply at or submit a paper application found in the 2025-2026 Choices brochure.  Paper copies are available at the LAUSD NW District Office. The on-time deadline to apply is November 15th. Siblings each must have a separate application submitted. If there are more applicants than available space, the school will hold a public, random lottery during the month of February 2025. There is no first come, first serve. All applications that are turned in by the on-time deadline are put into the lottery. We do not know how many spots are available in each grade level.
*If you live in the Cleveland area and currently attend an LAUSD school, and you do not want to apply for Magnet, you do not need to apply to Cleveland. You let your current school know you plan to attend Cleveland next year. You can also complete the google form so that we can email you more information in the Spring semester.
**If you live in the Cleveland area and currently attend an independent charter, private school, or a school outside of LAUSD boundaries and you are not applying for the Magnet you will need to apply directly to Cleveland. We will post the link to the application when it become available for the 2025-2026 school year.
Advanced Studies or Academy of Art and Technology (AOAT) Program 
If interested in our Advanced Studies Program or AOAT follow the instructions above for Cleveland School Of Residence (Non-Magnet)
Once accepted to Cleveland either through lottery or through school of residence you can request Advanced Studies Program.
Click on the echoices site:
  • To apply for a Magnet Program use the (Blue) tab.
  • If you do not live in Cleveland's area of attendance and want to apply to Cleveland's residential school including Cleveland's Pathways or the Advanced Studies Program use the Affiliated Charter Schools (Green) tab
  • Do not use the Schools for Advanced Studies (Orange) tab for Cleveland Charter High School
Cuando este en el sitio de echoices (opciones):
  • use el Programas Magnet (Azul) etiqueta para aplicar a una programa de Magnet.
  • Si usted no vive en la area de asistencia de Cleveland y quiere aplicar a la escuela residencial de Cleveland use el Escuelas Charter Afiliadas (Verde) etiqueta que incluye Cleveland's Pathways incluyendo el Programa de Advanced Studies Program.
  • No use Schools for Advanced Studies (Naranja) etiqueta para Cleveland Charter High School