Quick Facts
Regular Schedule: 8:30 AM to 3:38 PM
Professional Development Schedule: 8:30 AM to 2:38 PM
Minimum Day Schedule: 8:30 AM to 1:13 PM
Shortened Day Schedule: 8:30 AM to 2:33 PM
Main Office: 7:30 AM to 4:15 PM
Attendance Office: 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Counseling Office: 7:45 AM to 4:15 PM
Health Office: 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Special Education Office: 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Parent Center: 8:00 AM to 4:15 PM
College and Career Center: 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM
(additionally 7:00 AM to AM for seniors by appointment only)
Dean’s Office: 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Student Store: 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Please do not drop off students in the staff parking lots or in areas designated for buses. The following entrances/exits are available for pedestrian traffic:
- double gates in front of the Administration Building (Vanalden side)
- double gates between A Hall and the Gym (near the pool on Vanalden side)
All gates, except for those in front of the Administration Building, will be locked in the morning at 8:28 AM. They will remain closed until school lets out for the day. After 4:00 PM, the only walkthrough gates that will be open is the walkthrough gate between A Hall and the Gym.
Students must be in their classrooms by the time the tardy bell rings for their first class to be considered on time. Students who arrive late to school must sign in at the security station in front of the school for a tardy pass. Students with a valid tardy excuse from their parent or legal guardian should proceed to the Attendance Office. All written excuses are subject to verification by Cleveland Attendance Office staff. Every three unexcused tardies equals one detention. Students must clear detentions as soon as possible to avoid further consequences such as not being able to participate in extracurricular school activities. It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of the number of detention hours owed.
To leave school before the normal conclusion of the school day, students must present a note from the parent or guardian—with a contact telephone number for verification purposes—to the Attendance Office before period 1 on the day of the early leave. Students will not be released unless the request is verified; they will be released only to adults whose names appear on a student’s current Emergency Card or in MiSiS. A parent or guardian must come into the Attendance Office with a current form of identification to pick up their student. Early leaves will not be granted to parents or guardians who only call or email the request.
Please go to the Main Office to fill out a visitor request form. Parents may visit classrooms or meet with staff only with a prior appointment. Parents are welcome to network and utilize resources in the Parent Center during the school day. Please do not talk to teachers during class time, or before or after school without a prior appointment.
All volunteers must be registered as a volunteer through LAUSD. https://volunteerapp.lausd.net. These include volunteers for any in-school activities. Volunteers typically need TB Testing and fingerprinting depending on the type of activity they are engaged in.
The staff parking lot is for Cleveland faculty and staff only. For the safety of students and staff, please do not enter the staff parking lot.
Passenger loading zones are for the immediate loading and unloading of students. If you park your vehicle during loading zone hours, you may receive a ticket.
The bus loading zone is only for the loading and unloading of buses.
Students on buses are dropped-off on the service road between Miller CTC and Cleveland. Your child’s bus pass must be kept with them in a safe place. Any changes in bus plans must be given to the office in writing. Please call 1-800-LA-BUSES with any transportation concerns. Text 33222 with LAUSD in message to sign-up for transportation text alerts. For students involved in the athletic program, we offer a late bus that departs the school at 6 PM. The late bus will be available Monday through Friday and will depart from the the front of the school on Vanalden Avenue.
We do not offer Breakfast-in-the Classroom. The cafeteria offers meal service during Nutrition and Lunch. If you do not utilize school lunches we encourage students to bring a healthy lunch or snack.
Cleveland’s attendance goal requires all students to be in attendance at least 96% of the school year, and more than seven absences is considered excessive. Parents are notified of students’ absences by telephone, mailings, and quarterly progress reports. When returning from an absence, students must report to the Attendance Office before period 1 with a signed note from a parent or guardian indicating the student’s date of birth, the days of the absence and the reason for the absence. Students who are absent five or more days due to illness must also be cleared by the school nurse for readmittance. Students must clear absences within 10 days or they will become truancies. An absence is not considered cleared if marked unexcused or truant. For more information please refer to the Attendance Policy included in the students’ annual opening day packet and in the Student Handbook.
There is limited supervision after 4 PM other than staff onsite for organized athletic events and practices and select tutoring and after school classes. The Boys and Girls Club provides a free after school College Bound program Monday through Friday in room N1 until 6 PM Monday-Friday. This program offers tutoring and workshops. Applications will be available at the Boys and Girls Club in the Main Office, Counseling Office, and Career and College Office during the school year.
iPads and laptops are to be used only for academic purposes. Personal technology is not to be brought to school except for cell phones which may only be used during class-time for teacher-approved instructional purposes.
You may contact teachers via Schoology or via email. Teachers will respond to e-mail within a reasonable amount of time. Please understand they cannot check email or receive phone calls during the school day. Please do not interrupt teachers during class time, or before or after school without a prior appointment.
To utilize Schoology, students will need to have their LAUSD email address. Students have to create or reactivate their LAUSD e-mail/Schoology account with their PIN from a school network computer. Students who do not know their pin numbers or have forgotten them may get it from their teachers.
Parents may access Schoology by having an LAUSD Parent Portal account. Those who do not have one may create an account by going to https://parentportalapp.lausd.net/parentaccess/. Parents will need their student’s LAUSD ID number and a PIN, both of which they may obtain from the Parent Center.
Please address concerns about the classroom directly with your student’s teacher. Issues regarding career pathways, graduation progress, and social emotional well being should be discussed with your student’s counselor. Discipline or safety concerns should be communicated with the Dean's Office. Medical concerns should be relayed to the School Nurse. The school support staff may be contacted via email or via phone at 818-885-2300. They will respond within a reasonable time frame. If, after discussing the matter with our school support providers, the matter is not resolved, please contact the Main Office to be directed to the appropriate administrator. Meetings with administrators are available only with a prior appointment.
Cleveland website: www.clevelandhs.org
Facebook: Grover Cleveland Charter High School
Instagram: ClevelandCharterHS
Twitter: @ClevelandChartr
Weekly ConnectEd: Sundays between 5:30-6:00 PM to phone number listed in Parent Portal