Parents » Volunteer Application

Volunteer Application

If you are a parent interested in volunteering at our school, please submit an online application through the following link:  You may use your Parent Portal email address (username) and password to log into the Volunteer Management System. 
Those who do not have a Parent Portal account or are community members may register for a LAUSD volunteer account in the Volunteer Management System:
Please bring to the school or email assistant principal, Floyd Weldon, at [email protected] the following documents based on your volunteer application level.
All Volunteers must upload COVID-19 Vaccination Card to the daily pass at:
Tier I Volunteers (Single Event or On-Demand Safety Volunteer)
  1. Print and sign the Single Event Volunteer Application and Liability Waiver
  2. Single Event Volunteer Application (English/Spanish)
  1. Print and sign the On-Demand Volunteer Application and Liability Waiver
  2. On-Demand Volunteer Application (English/Spanish)
  3. Volunteer Commitment Form (English/Spanish)
Tier II Volunteers (Classroom/Office/Parent Center/Field Trip Chaperone Volunteer) 
AND Tier III Volunteers  (One-on-One Tutor/Cafeteria/Student Activities Volunteer)
  1. Complete the online volunteer application at
  2. Signed print out of the online volunteer application
  3. Volunteer Commitment Form (English/Spanish)
  4. Completed and signed by a physician: either
A. TB Physician/Clinic Form (English/Spanish)     OR
B. TB Risk Assessment Questionnaire
Tier III Volunteer must also complete Fingerprint Clearance.  Please email assistant principal, Shauna Harris, at [email protected] regarding the fingerprint process.