CGC Parent/Community Self-Nomination If you are interested in running for a CGC parent/community member position, please complete the attached self-nomination form.
College & Career Fair for Students!! This Friday, October 18, 2024, during lunch come meet college & career reps tolearn about admissions requirements, programs, majors, etc.!
Senior College Awareness Night! Friendly Reminder to all seniors and families! This Thursday we are having Senior College Awareness Night in the PAC from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm! Hope to see you all there!
Blackboard Connect Message - Spring 2024 If you missed the Sunday messages or other select Blackboard Connect Messages sent from Cleveland, please check here.
School Accountability Report Card Updated SARC Information Available data includes: Student Enrollment; Attendance; Graduation/Dropout Rate; Suspensions/Expulsions; School Facility Conditions; Class Sizes; Student Support Services; CAASPP Data; CTE Information; Professional Development.
Create an LAUSD Parent Portal Account Track your student´s attendance, and do much more.... / Monitoree la asistencia de su estudiante, y haga mucho más....