French 3

Course Description

We will continue to study the French language and culture, expounding and expanding on our knowledge from French 1 and 2.  Topics to be discussed include humanitarian actions, comparisons of the French education and health systems to that of the US, the Francophone world, as well as more advanced sentence structure involving the subjunctive, the future, compound tenses, and complex sentences.  Writing and speaking become more emphasized throughout the year.

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le 9 mars 2020

vaincre conjugations
faire expressions p329
exercise 5 (in the present, imparfait, pc, conditionnel, futur, & subjunctive)

le 6 mars 2020

les enquetes culturelles pp326-328
les differences entre:
miror vs glace
emmener vs prendre
vivre vs habiter
partir vs laisser vs quitter
peuple vs gens

le 21 fevrier 2020

considerer et se distraire interro
demonstrative adjective review p301
add -ci or -la to show proximity