Programs and Pathways
Cleveland Pathways:
Media Arts: Journalism and Video Production (CTE)
Visual Arts: Graphic Design-AOAT, 2-D Art Drawing, and Digital Imaging.
Science and Technology: Architectural Design (CTE), Bio-engineer, Environmental Science, and Health Science.
Performing Arts: Instruments (Band), Choir, Dance Academy, and Drama.
Child Development: Child Development (CTE)
World Languages/Cultures: Pathway to Seal of Bi-literacy (Must take LOTE for 4-years), LOTE, and ELD 1-4.
Other Cleveland School Programs:
Academy of Art and Technology (AOAT) is a distinguished Lighthouse California Partnership Academy focusing on visual design for print and web that challenges and nurtures student as members of our educational family. AOAT provides students with a rigorous interdisciplinary curriculum of college and career preparation, including college and career field trips, a summer internship, and senior portfolio of professional level work.
Advanced Studies Program provides state identified highly gifted, gifted, and high achieving students with a rigorous program to help students achieve their maximum potential. The School for Advanced Studies curriculum meets the high school graduation requirements and prepares students academically to meet the "a-g" University of California and California State University entrance requirements. Students develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the finest colleges and universities in the country.
Magnet Programs at Cleveland:
Humanities Magnet - A Humanities education focuses on humankind: our development, our culture, our diversity, and our commonality. With an exposure to a wide range of study, students develop an overall appreciation for learning, along with the skills necessary for life after graduation. A Humanities education provides a strong foundation for any field one pursues in college.