French 2

Course Description

We will continue to study the French language and culture, expounding and expanding on our knowledge from French 1.  Topics to be discussed include holiday celebrations, the Francophone world, as well as more advanced sentence structure involving two past tenses, the conditional tense, and object pronouns.

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le 9 avril 2019

s'inquiéter interro
imparfait formation:
1. nous form in the present minus the -ons
2. new endings: (ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient)
3. only one irregular stem: etre = ét-
4. accent changing verbs (acheter, lever, peser, préférer, s'inquiéter...): accents follow the infinitive
5. -ger verbs: add an "e" to the boot (je nageais // nous nagions)
6. -cer verbs: add the cédille in the boot (je commençais // nous commencions)